电脑 & 互联网使用规则


为学生提供优质教育, 海因兹社区学院的政策是为所有学生和员工提供获得各种技术资源的机会. A large and varied technological environment requires that technology use by employees and students be legal, 道德, 和安全的. Technology use must be consistent with the educational vision, 任务, 和海因兹社区学院的目标.

  1. Ownership of Technology Resources and Data – All technology resources, 包括网络和互联网资源, 电子邮件系统, 以及拥有的计算机或其他接入设备, 租赁, 捐赠, or maintained by 海因兹社区学院 are the sole property of the 海因兹社区学院. BG真人的人员可以, 在任何时候,恕不另行通知, 访问, 搜索, 检查, 检查, 收集, or retrieve information of any kind from the college’s technology resources, 包括电脑或相关设备, 文件, 和数据, to determine if a user is in violation of any of the Board’s policies, 规则, and regulations regarding 访问 to and use of technology resources, 为与学校系统的安全及有效运作或管理有关的任何其他事项或理由,或与之有关, 或者其他法律不禁止的原因. 学校系统技术资源的使用者对这些资源的使用或内容没有个人隐私权或保密权
  2. GLBA, 格雷姆-里奇-比利利法案:GLBA要求金融机构——向消费者提供金融产品或贷款等服务的公司, 财务或投资建议, or insurance – to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data.
  3. NIST, 美国国家标准与技术研究所:符合NIST是指遵守一个或多个NIST标准的要求. NIST指南为联邦机构的信息系统推荐的安全控制提供了一套标准. 在很多情况下, 遵守NIST的指导方针和建议将有助于联邦机构确保遵守其他法规, 比如HIPAA, FISMA, 或袜.
  4. 版权法:这是海因兹社区学院遵守美国版权法的义务和意图. 海因茨社区学院的员工和学生应按照董事会的政策和程序使用技术资源, 以及当地的, 状态, and federal laws and guidelines governing the use of technology and its component parts.
  5. 电子邮件:海因兹社区学院为特殊项目的员工和正常工作活动需要访问电子邮件的员工提供访问电子邮件的权限. 这种访问仅用于支持教育, 教学, 课外, 或者正常的行政活动.
    1. Board policies and procedures shall apply to the use of electronic mail. 海因兹社区学院不能保证隐私, 安全, or confidentiality of any information sent or received via electronic mail. 海因兹社区学院 will use a filtering device to screen email for spam and inappropriate content. 电子邮件的内容不能被认为是私人的. All contents of electronic mail are the property of the 海因兹社区学院.
    2. To ensure the safety and 安全 of students when using electronic mail, 本地聊天室(禁止使用其他聊天室), 以及其他形式的直接交流, 只有海因兹社区学院认可的资源才会被使用. 所有其他通讯源都将被封锁.
  6. 互联网:海因兹社区学院的目的是提供通过互联网获得资源的途径,并了解教师, 工作人员, and students will 访问 and use only information that is appropriate, 有益的, and/or required for his/her various curricular or 课外 activities or 工作人员 duties. 工作人员 will screen resources that will be used in the classroom for content prior to their introduction. Board policies and procedures shall apply to the use of the Internet.
    1. Internet 访问 is provided to allow students, faculty, and 工作人员 to conduct re搜索. Users will gain 访问 to the Internet by agreeing to conduct themselves in a considerate and responsible manner.
    2. 海因兹社区学院提供技术保护措施,包括阻止或过滤互联网访问的视觉描述和淫秽文字, 色情, 或对未成年人有害. 这些措施并非100%有效. 工作人员 must preview required web sites and observe students using the Internet. 如发现不适当或破坏学习气氛的网站,应向资讯保安主任(ISO)或执行科技总监(EDOT)报告。. 工作人员 may also request that sites be opened for periods of re搜索.
    3. 除非得到校长或校长指定人员的明确授权,并有防火墙保护,否则禁止网络用户访问外部网络或海因兹社区学院内部网络中的替代互联网服务提供商, 其他适当的保安装置, 以及合适的过滤软件.
    4. All college 规则 and guidelines for appropriate technology use shall apply to use of the Internet. Because communications on the Internet are often public in nature, 所有用户都必须进行适当和负责任的交流,特别是在避免扰乱教育环境方面.
    5. Student posting of personal information of any kind about themselves, or others is prohibited. 个人信息包括家庭和/或学校地址, 工作地址, 家庭和/或学校电话号码, 全名, 社会安全号码, 等.
    6. 海因兹社区学院不能保证隐私, 安全, or confidentiality of any information sent or received via the Internet.
  7. 大学, 部门, 和学校赞助的活动网站:因为任何大学网站都可以在全球范围内使用,并代表整个社区, 指定的学院网站管理员将审查所有网站和/或新功能和链接,然后将其添加到系统web服务器. Review includes coordination with and approval of the 部门 Head, 行政领导团队成员, 或大学校长. The webmaster may reject all or part of proposed home pages and/or new features and links for technical reasons.
    1. 向系统内的所有学生和雇员传授适当使用技术资源的法律和道德做法和责任(i.e. during lab orientation, network orientation, faculty meetings, 等.).
    2. 个人应向信息安全主任(ISO)和/或技术执行总监(EDOT)报告任何违反本政策和/或任何技术资源的安全问题。.
    3. All BG真人技术资源, 无论购买日期如何, 位置, 或资金来源(包括捐款), 受此政策约束吗.
    4. 滥用学院技术的学生将根据学生行为准则接受正常的纪律处分程序.
    5. Employees who misuse the college’s technology may be denied computer usage, 和/或可能需要支付金钱费用, 训斥, 和/或失业.
    6. 每学年,所有学生和员工都必须签署,表明他们已经阅读并同意可接受的使用政策.
    7. 违反与技术及其使用有关的民事和/或刑事法律将被通知执法人员.


海因兹社区学院 will allow students to use privately owned electronic devices (including laptops, ipad, 手机, 等.),以进入HCC无线网络. 这种为设备提供的无线访问旨在提高学生的教育体验和成果. Connecting to the HCC network with personal devices is a privilege, 不是权利, 这不是学生的要求. Per任务 to bring and use privately owned devices is contingent upon adherence to this Agreement.

    • Student devices must only 访问 the Internet via the HCC wireless network. Bypassing or attempting to bypass this network through proxies, 蜂窝网络卡, 拘束, 或者其他方式是不允许的
    • 不为个人设备提供技术支持. The student must take full responsibility for setting up and maintaining the device. Students are responsible for ensuring their mobile learning device has virus protection and free of any viruses.
    • 个人设备不得用于录音, 传送或邮寄照片, 图片, 或在学校活动和/或上课时间拍摄校园内的一个或几个人的视频,除非本计划中规定的教师指定.
    • The school or district assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged student devices.
    • 学校的网络过滤器将适用于连接到HCC网络的个人设备,任何绕过网络过滤器的企图都是被禁止的.
    • 在学校期间,HCC将提供免费无线接入. 学院不负责使用其他无线连接或其他数据费用的个人费用.
    • HCC对被盗概不负责, 设备丢失或损坏, 包括那些设备上丢失或损坏的数据. While school employees will help students identify how to keep their possessions secure, students will have the final responsibility for securing their personal devices 和数据.

BYOD应用程序 & Data

In situations where there is a strong business case to do so, 希德 employees may receive 希德-related data to their personal mobile devices. 在这些情况下, 员工理解存在某些安全风险,必须通过适当的控制和安全措施来减轻这些风险. 相应的, 希德可能会阻止来自设备的某些应用程序,以保护希德和希德客户信息免受未经授权的访问.
While applications (Apps) purchased on an employee’s personal device are owned by the employee, the 希德 may prohibit certain applications per its Information Security Program and 可接受使用政策.
Installing 希德 applications on devices that have been rooted or “jailbroken” is strictly prohibited.


Employee-owned devices are subject to the policies and guidelines within the 希德’ Information Security Program. Any 希德 or 希德-customer information on the device must be removed, 由印度信息技术部负责, 在终止.Employees should be aware that the 希德 retains the right to remotely remove or wipe any device that potentially contains customer data; this includes employee-owned devices which could potentially contain confidential 希德 and/or 希德-customer information.

It should be noted that executing the wipe command on any Apple® device will remove both personal (photos, 联系人, 音乐, 等.)和印度相关数据. 员工应该通过维护存储在设备上的任何个人信息的备份,为设备可能的重置做好准备.

The user is required to notify IT management immediately of lost or stolen devices, or devices that have been replaced due to routine upgrades or warranty replacements. The user will also notify IT management of known or suspected 安全 related issues affecting the device.